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  B2B Marketplace

Although the terminology may have changed from when Internet-based B2B marketplaces exploded in the late 1990s, net markets, the generic term that describes all on-line marketplaces where buyers and sellers exchange goods and services for money, are still very much in demand. Vertical net markets bring together buyers and sellers in one particular industry, such as chemicals, agriculture, or steel manufacturing. Horizontal net markets provide a common service, such as financial services, benefits management, or procurement to companies from multiple industries. Whether the net market is buyer-centric, seller-centric, or neutral, care must go into ensuring that the net market is built well and is secure.

In addition to integration with other net markets, many technological considerations must be considered to ensure that everything will work as expected and that your participants (suppliers, vendors, customers) will continue to utilize the service. To ensure that your net market meets your requirements, you will need to work with consultants who understand what it takes to build and operate such a net market. Some of the technological concerns are: building auctions and reverse auctions; campaign management; collaborative commerce; content management; fulfillment software; logistics and shipping software; payment and settlement services; and purchasing and procurement applications.

Microvision consultants and professionals understand what is needed to design, deploy, and manage highly available and utilized horizontal or vertical net markets for companies in many different industries. Our consultants know what pieces are needed and have helped many companies build revenue opportunities with net markets.


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