MicroVision offers strategic Information Technology (IT) project-outsourcing services that range across the spectrum of a company’s needs. MicroVision consultants provide service to assist companies in supplementing their internal IT/MIS staff resources both from a manpower and expertise perspective. It makes a lot of sense to outsource projects when the needs require specialized short-term labor support for expertise-intensive IT projects. In these cases, companies find it impractical to use internal resources or hire permanent staff. Examples would be the deployment of a major new SCM application or data warehouse.
MicroVision consultants are skilled at designing, deploying, and managing IT projects. They have wide-ranging skills across many IT disciplines and in many vertical markets. Areas of IT expertise include SCM,quality assurance, ERP, data management, data warehousing, application development, and network information management. Vertical markets where MicroVision consultants have deployed IT solutions include banking, financial services, retail, telecommunications, transportation, life sciences, and others.